
Friday, July 31, 2020

Research of Acid rain - Sustainability

This sustainability we have been writing our essay about sustainability, the research I´ve been researching is about acid rain. The essay should have an introduction, 3 paragraph and a conclusion. First I search what are the causes, effect and how can we solve it. We have to put our researches at a slide where we can give information or if this information is true. Here is the slide where I put my research.


The information I wrote might be useless at least it was in good use before. The essay that I wrote might not make any sense by at least I tried. here is the finished result of my essay.

Acid rain?
What is acid rain and why is this dangerous for humans and animals?. This is dangerous because this can kill the animals we eat and some vegetables we eat. 

What is acid rain why this can damage our environment?
Acid rain can kill people, animals and plant. Acid rain comes from human activity mostly about fossil fuels. When we burn fossil fuels Nitric and Sulfuric acid are released into the atmosphere. These gases react with water, oxygen and other substances to form the 2 acids which are Nitric and Sulfuric acid. Winds can spread the acidic compound of acid rain and this can spread over a hundred mile. Eruption volcanoes and rotting vegetation can release some chemical into the air and this can also cause acid rain. If acid rain reaches the earth this flows across the surface and runoff water enters the water system and sinks down into the soil. Acid rain weakened the trees by dissolving the nutrients inside the soil before plants can use them.  

What is the effect of this?
This happens when we make a lot of fossil fuels. Acid rain Contained 2 acid which is Nitric and Sulfuric Acid. This can kill or plants by the rain if the cloud absorbs fossil fuels this can turn into acid rain, animals can eat the plants and can get sick. Humans can inhale Nitric and Sulfuric acid which can give you a heart attack, health problem, eye irritation and people who have bad lung or has asthma. Acid damage physical structure like buildings and cars. Dead trees or dying trees are common sights of areas affected by acid rain. Acid rain leach aluminium from the soil and this can be harmful to plants and animals too. Acid rain also takes away the nutrients and minerals from the soil. 

How can we stop this?
We can stop this by reducing fossil fuels by using public transport, using solar power. We can use renewable energy to stop creating fossil fuels. We can tell other people how this can damage our earth, we can make them understand what, how changes our air and can cause air pollution sources that can cause problems. We can also stop this by testing lakes/ocean, air, temperature and more. This can help us know what is happening and this can help us know if we are in a bad situation. If we didn´t stop this can risk all of our life especially animals and plants. You can also help by turning off your devices that you are not using or other appliances that you are not using.

In conclusion, we can stop acid rain by using renewable energy, such as solar power, wind power and wave energy so that we cannot damage more of our environment and people who have disabilities such as asthma and lung problems  

Experiments - Hurumanu 2 Science

Hello guys and girls, we have been doing an experiment about proteins, simple sugar and complex sugar. Before we do our experiment we have to be in a group, I´m with Lyan, Emily, Lucy and Milan. We have to test 6 different things which are sugar, apple, potato, milk, egg and bread. We used different methods to test different food.
We put the 6 different food at the test tube to put our chemical in. The chemicals were Iodine, Benedict, sodium hydroxide, copper sulfate (we didn´t add them all together, different experiment different tube for each of it).

Our group thought that bread, potato, milk and egg are Complex sugar but the result was that the bread and potato was the only complex sugar. We thought that the simple sugar was apple and sugar but the only simple sugar was the apple. we thought that the proteins were egg and milk and we got them right.

Our first experiment was Complex sugar we put drops of iodine in our test tube where our different types of small pieces of a different kind of food that we are testing. If this is a complex sugar this turn into blue or black. The simple sugar experiment was to put 2ml of Benedict solution and boil it, this should turn to orange and green this means that this is a simple sugar. we should know that if its a protein this turn into purple, we did this by adding sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate.   

Film study - Challenge Chart

This film study we have to pick between Challenge chart or resume, I picked the Challenge chart because it's easier to do. I think they both are easy but I think the challenge chart is easier than the resume.

What am I learning? - I´m learning to get to know Coraline and Other mothers identity and why are they different from each other.

How does this work show my learning - this shows my learning that I have given information about Coraline and the other mother identities and kind of their weakness.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning? - I´m wondering if I could do better writing this and if this makes any sense.

Weekly Reflection 2

Today we have to write our reflection again and (This week I felt affirmed in my unique identity when) I have to answer the question and I wrote this - When I finally told off my siblings like I´m the older kid. Even though I´m not the older kid in our family, my siblings doesn´t really listen to me but this time they have listen to me! I was very happy about that not that hapy but hopefully they will listen to me in the future!.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Workshop - 5 Film study - Creating Characters

Other Mother 1
  • Physical 
- soft/ round edges
- Looks likes real mum
- Normal height

  • Costume
- Basic - no patterns
- Baggy loose clothing
- Mostly covers body

  • Colour/lighting
- Warm, artificial light, dull
- colour palette - Orange

Other Mother 2
  • Physical 
- shapes edges - head/nose/apron
  • Costume
- pattern on outfit
- loose/ baggy guises idea of softness
  • Colour/Lighting 
- warm artificial - orange/ yellow

Other Mother 3
  • Physical 
- paler skin
- weight shift to hips/ bum - accents beetle 
-  pointy nose, back of head, elbows skinnier
  • Costume
 - pattern polka dots, black, white, red
 -fits her figure better
- beetle shell-like layers
- shows more skin
  • Colour/Lighting 
- bright, vibrant, cold, artificial, brows/peaches
Other Mother 4
  • Physical 
- stick figure - lost all fat, taller, long neck, hair, back of head, elbows, back of the dress   

  • Costume
-pattern black, white, red 
- shows more skin
- a lot tighter
-the beetle shape on the back and collar
  • Colour/Lighting 
- bright, warm, artificial

Other Mother 5
  • Physical 
- ugly, spider-like, needles, no fat no skin   
- a lot of sharp angles - head, joints 
-  taller
  • Costume
 - tottled rags, barely-there
  • Colour/Lighting 
- green and black, cold light, unnatural.


Learning some new phrases!

This wellbeing time Aili, Lyan and I have been learning new languages like Thai, Malay, Korean and Chinese, The first one we learned was Korean which is something I have been learning now for a month now, the phrase I taught to Lyan and Aili was 감사합니다 ( kam sa hab ni da) means Thank you in Korean. Aili taught us Chinese which was 謝謝 (Xièxiè) which is thank you in Chinese. We search Thai and Malay because we haven´t learned any of them yet. In Thai, we learned สวัสดี (Swadi) which means hello in Thai and for Malay we learned Selamat Jalan which means Goodbye in Malay. That's all that we learned hopefully I can learn more.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Analysing the Plot of the movie.

Hy guys and girls, so today I´m learning about the plot of the move about Coraline. Here is the work that I have done.

Weekly reflection 1

Hi guys and girls, so today we are writing about what we have been feeling this week which is the first week of Term 3. We are asked what we have been feeling this week and more, the question were...

  • This week I felt a sense of belonging when...
At sewing, they teach me how to do the work right
people including me with their talks and groups.

There are more questions but I rather keep those a secret, maybe I will put some of the questions next week and yeah.

Who Really Invented the Smiley Face? | Arts & Culture ...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Music - Hururmanu 2 film study

Diegetic sound - sounds to a scene eg Music
Non-diegetic sounds - sounds that happen naturally in a scene eg footstep, wind blowing leaves.

Chords - Major - written in a major key, has a happy tone.
Minor - written in a minor key, has a sad gloomy, morose tone

Tempo (fast) - could walk quickly to, makes music feel energetic, gives, movement/pace   
            (moderate)  - mix of two
            (slow) - dragging feet pace, makes feel lethargic, boring, energy lacking, sleepy

Dynamic - Loud (forte) - gets viewer attention, enhances emotion/mood - makes happier etc
                  Quiet (piano) - either background noise or sed to make viewer focus.
                  Changing - <- quiet bold - builds intensity
                                     -> loud quiet - draws focus.
Music Example:
it made us feel a happy vibe, making you calm and relaxing.
it made us feel sad, kind of guilty(for some reason) makes you kinda depress.

Opening Scene
Chords - Minor - has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsetting.
Tempo - Moderate - feel on edge, walking pace, gives energy.
Dynamics  - Changing - starts quiet, gets louder, grabs our attention builds emotion and interesting.

Mouse circus
Chords - Minor - is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/ uncomfortable.
Tempo -  Fast - gives us upbeat, want to move energy, makes the circus feel fun and lively
Dynamic - Loud -  makes viewer feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in

Friday, July 3, 2020

Paragraph writing

In this part of the film, you can see that you can see the difference between the 2 pictures, This is demonstrated when you want to compare it. This makes us understand between the two worlds, the other one is fake and all is a lie and the other one is real but boring. The director did this to show the ¨Otherworld¨ and the ¨Real-world¨ are two different worlds, the colours make the world more different because the real world has a natural lighting a bit dark and a bit creepy, the other world makes us feel safe the colours are artificial light, it's tidier and more furniture. This worked well with the settings because you can see that the Fake world is showing Coraline that the fake world is better than the real world. This reminds me of my room and my dream room.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sustainbility - Hurumanu 1

Hello guys and girls, so this sustainability we have been doing a lot of sustainability thing, for example,
learning about coronavirus and some virus that had killed a lot of people, we watch ¨Before the Flood¨  where Leonardo DiCaprio learn about climate change and the world. After we watched ¨Before the Flood¨ we did an activity called ¨Environmental Sustainability Keywords¨ it's a google drawing where we matched all the things at the side and colour it if it's getting better or worse. 

 360 thingy
We also look at the 360-degree videos, like this 360 video.  We have to see the world virtually to see what does it look like.

Statistical Inquiry
We also look on to this graph or data, we have to make a story about it, for example this data shows how technology grew for the past years. we also played a game this dragon card thingy which is where you called out an appearance or colour of the dragon and when you got the card they are talking about you will have the card and if you have the most card you win.
Natural Resources 
We look to environmental resources for example, how can we make our environment better and more. After that, we made a new copy of Environmental sustainability which is where we match and colour it if it's getting better or worse.

after we finished that we start learning writing on a sustainability issue, we have to search for we are doing.  We also need to write it but I lost the thing where I was writing.

The summery                                                                                                                                           
The activity was nice, It was quite fun but sometimes it was boring but it was all about learning so I think Mr did a great job entertaining the class and teaching it too. I really like where we learn about coronavirus so we would know why is this happening and why is this spreading, overall this is a good hurumanu and I´m looking forward on the next subject we are doing. hopefully, the activities are fun and everyone can participate.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Hello guys, so we have to make a pixton for a long version of our comic we made but I couldn't make mine because I had to unlock some of the things (which needs money but I don´t have money) and here is the small version of what I did. I didn't really do great so I´m sorry but hopefully, you like it.

Workshop 3 How does lighting & colour enhance the story?

Atmosphere - feel in a space, energy around you.
Mood - how you feel
Location - place something is happened 

Natural - light that comes from nature, sun, moon, stars, lightning, fire.
Artificial - man-made lights source electricity light bulbs
Warm light - yellow/ orange tone
Cold light - blue/ white tone- clean/ clinical 
Bright - fills the space
Dull - fills part of the space faded

Colour palette - what are the predominant colour used
Warm colour -  welcoming, happy, friendly 
Cold colour -  make us feel sad, lonely, chilly - clean, clinical

Brainstorm - lighting and colour 
 what is happening

  • Coraline ad her family having breakfast in the real kitchen - looked rushed, tired.


  • Lighting - Natural - light clouds through the window 
  • cold - white tone      
  • bright - whole space bright 
  • white, yellowish, cream - old. Cold - make space feel tired.  
Effect on viewer ( feel/ think ) - 
  • boring dull sad
  • understand they are not a happy family 
  • Coraline unhappy 
Director purpose
  • makes other world more appealing 
  • Coraline doesn´t like the real world
Other techniques - Setting
  • outside window is cloudy + grey
  • furniture looks old + run down 
  • doesn't feel live in empty.
 Brainstorm - lighting and colour
  • Coraline + Other parents eating dinner in the other kitchen 
  • everyone seems happy
  • artificial - ceiling light 
  • warm yellow/orange tone
  • dull some space dark
  •  Red, Orange, White, Black
  •  warm happy soft, welcoming
Effect on viewer ( feel/ think ) - 
  •  compact/close, intresting, safe 
  • Coraline feel happy to be there 
Director purpose

  •  shows theme looks can be deceiving because other family look kind and happy but are actually evil 

 Other techniques

  •  Coraline - formal fashionable, fit better, make them look tidier 
  • bright, black, red, white   

Arts kete - Comic

Hey guys and girls, so these arts Kete we are finishing our comic and some of us have finished our comic and I´m one of them. I had lots of fun making my comics and I hope you like it.   

  1. What was your favourite part of this Kete? 
  2. Were you successful in completing your “Hero’s Journey” comic?
  3. What was something you would change for next time? 
  4. Give 1 example of how you showed our CARR values in this Kete.
  5. Any positive/thoughtful/helpful feedback for Miss Birtch.
  • Include your final photo of your Comic Strip that you took yesterday to show off your amazing work!!!

  1. my favourite part of this Kete was planning and drawing my comic.
  2. Yes, I did a nice job completing my ¨hero´s journey¨.
  3. I should've have bought a ruler for my lines because they are a bit crooked.
  4. I never gave up on my comic and I keep on going even tho I had lots of mistakes happening.